F.E.A.R. Wiki

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or simply known as Drones are enemies encountered in F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon and F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate. It is unknown if the UAVs are for sale to buyers, or if they are an exclusive defense product.

Both Timelines[]

F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon[]

Unmanned Aerial Vehicles are rarely encountered, floating mechanisms designed by Armacham Technology Corporation. UAVs remain airborne via small jets of unknown operation that tip the three extensions radiating from their centers. Providing high versatility, these jets allow UAVs to seamlessly navigate corridors, strafe targets, and even use windows as improvised entry and exit points. UAVs are armed with single, rapid firing laser emitters built into their central masses that fire high-energy laser bolts with moderate accuracy. Relatively vulnerable to gunfire, UAVs are not particularly dangerous alone. However, they almost always remain in groups, allowing them to quickly surround their targets with ease. While some UAVs actively ambush the Point Man, smashing through exterior windows, it appears that others remain dormant until "awakened" by external stimuli. In these instances, UAVs produce an abrupt, sharp sound reminiscent of a gunshot and emit a small burst of electricity before entering combat.

It is unknown what faction, if any, UAVs belong to. No evidence is ever shown that suggests Replica forces have commandeered them, yet it's also never made clear whether ATC Security has any control over them, direct or indirect. Furthermore, since UAVs are only observed when combating the Point Man, it is not clear who else they consider hostile. However, given the fact that several UAVs never attack Norton Mapes at the entrance of the Vault, it's likely that they do not attack ATC employees.

UAVs are encountered on two general occasions in F.E.A.R.. They first appear late in the Point Man's journey through the Armacham Technology Corporation Headquarters. They also make several appearances at the Rammelmeier Industrial Compound. This implies that ATC may have indeed implemented UAVs as a security force working alongside standard security guards.

Blueprint schematics of UAVs can be seen strewn about on tables and hung on walls throughout certain areas in the ATC headquarters, particularly in research labs. These are often present along with other various sheets of data that may be related to them.

A total of 15 are encountered in the entire game.

Vivendi Timeline[]

F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate[]

UAVs return in F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate, although not in the campaign itself. The UAVs appear in the third bonus mission, "Sprint", where a total of six are fought.

Combat Tips[]

  • UAVs are not difficult to defeat. Two shots from a Type-7 Particle Weapon should take care of one.
  • The HV Penetrator, ASP Rifle, VK-12 Combat Shotgun, and the MP-50 Repeating Cannon are also effective against UAVs.
  • The player should use Slow-Mo if possible. Be warned, however, that UAVs can still hit the player with their lasers which are quite accurate.
  • Although the laser does small to moderate damage to Point Man, its laser projectiles are near impossible to avoid, so use cover as much as possible. Sometimes, peeking from the corner can prevent the UAV from firing, while the player can still shoot back.
  • UAVs have the tendency to approach players, making their lasers harder to avoid. With this in mind, it could be easy to make a trap for them using AT-S Proximity Mines. This tactic is not recommended if the UAV is out of the blast radius.
  • Building off of their tendency to approach the player, if the player can maneuver themselves under the drone, the drone will not be able to shoot them.




F.E.A.R. OST 44 - Drones-0

Armacham Technology Corporation
Board of Directors Genevieve AristideCarson Salyers
Employees Aldus BishopAlice WadeBill MoodyBrettBristolCharles HabeggerGreenHarlan WadeIain HivesJaniceJohn BreyersJohnstonMarshall DislerNorton MapesPhil VecchioRichard VanekSamuelsSaundersScott RasmussenTerry HalfordWalt GraggYork
Projects Project HarbingerProject IcarusProject OriginProject ParagonProject PerseusProject Pythagoras
Products AbominationAlma WadeDark SignalPaxton FettelPoint ManReplica Forces
Facilities Armacham Data and Research CenterArmacham Bio-Research FacilityHarbinger FacilityOrigin FacilityParagon FacilityPerseus CompoundStill IslandThe VaultWade Elementary SchoolWard FacilityBirthing Facility
Other Fairport areas owned Armacham Technology Corporation HeadquartersArmacham Technology Corporation's Secondary FacilityValkyrie TowerWade Hospital
Armacham Forces ATC Security GuardRiot Security GuardArmacham Black Ops Light SoldierBlack Ops HazmatsATC Black Ops SoldiersBlack Ops Heavy SoldierBlack Ops PyroArmacham Black Ops EliteRichard VanekSamuelsPhase CommanderArmacham Phase CasterArmacham Heavy Rocket TrooperArmacham SniperArmacham SoldierATC Heavy Riot TrooperRobertsTuckerTurnerFeldmanArmacham PilotBierce
Weapons developed Type-7 Particle WeaponType-12 Pulse WeaponXS Shock GrenadeHV PenetratorHV HammerheadSHO Series-3 Combat ShotgunThe ShredderDefense TurretArc BeamS-HV PenetratorGoliath
Vehicles used Black Ops APCF-22 RaptorATC Security sedanArmacham Armored Personnel CarrierArmacham HelicopterMi-24 Hind-D
Other Technology developed Unmanned Aerial VehiclesREV6 Powered ArmorREV9 Powered ArmorREV8 LeviathanEnhanced Power ArmorElite Powered Armor
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Major Characters
Point Man - Alma Wade - Paxton Fettel - Harlan Wade - Alice Wade - Spencer Jankowski - Norton Mapes -Jin Sun-Kwon - Douglas Holiday
Other Characters
Rodney Betters - Iain Hives - Genevieve Aristide - T. Atwood - Aldus Bishop - Brett - E. Cotton - Marshall Disler - Charles Habegger - David Hoyle - Janice - P. MacReady - Bill Moody - P. Niculescu - D. Passalaqua - A. Shepard - Phil Vecchio - Bremmer - Doctor Green
ASP Rifle - AT-14 Pistol - AT-S Proximity Mine - G2A2 Assault Rifle - HV Penetrator - M77 Remote Bomb - MOD-3 Multi-Rocket Launcher - MP-50 Repeating Cannon - N6A3 Fragmentation Grenade - RPL Sub-Machinegun - SM15 Machine Pistol - Type-7 Particle Weapon - VK-12 Combat Shotgun - Watson Automatic Shotgun - Unarmed Attacks
Armor Vest - Medkit - Reflex Booster - Health Booster
Fairport - Auburn District - Armacham Technology Corporation Headquarters - South River Wastewater Treatment Plant - Origin Facility - The Vault - Fa$t Money - News Stand - Apartment Complex - Almaverse - Birthing Facility
Project Icarus - Project Origin - Project Paragon - Project Perseus
Replica Forces - Replica Assassin - Replica Desert Soldier - Replica Elite Soldier - Replica Fatigues Soldier - Replica Heavy Armor - Recon Soldier - Replica Sniper - Replica Tactical Soldiers - Replica Urban Soldier
Armored Truck - ATC Security sedan - Mi-24 Hind-D - Replica REV6 Powered Armor - UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter
Armacham Forces
Armacham Defense Turret - ATC Security Guard - Armacham Forces - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Other Enemies
Alma's Apparitions - Nightmare
Origin Facility Explosion - Synchronicity Events
F.E.A.R. Combat
Cheezee Pooz - Laptops - Vending Machines - Sticky Notes
Psionics - F.E.A.R. (Organization) - Delta Force - Armacham Technology Corporation - F.E.A.R. Secrets and Easter Eggs - Monolith Timeline - Hallucinations - Hannibal-3 spy satellite - National Guard - Glitches - F.E.A.R. E3 - Quotes - Walkthroughs - Slow-Mo - Armacham Field Guide - Intervals - First F.E.A.R. Team - Intel - Metro Police Department - Console Commands - List of Alma Sightings - Blackhawk Pilot - F.E.A.R. Original Soundtrack
Unreleased Material
D. Mccullough - Street Turret - Conrad Krieg - Unreleased Quotes
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Major Characters
Sergeant - Alma Wade - Paxton Fettel - Steve Chen - Nightcrawler Commander - David Raynes
Other Characters
Rodney Betters - Brett - David Hoyle - Spencer Jankowski - Bristol - Walt Gragg - Gavin Morrison - Scott Rasmussen - John Breyers - Harlan Wade
AP-5 Deployable Turret - ASP Rifle - AT-14 Pistol - AT-S Proximity Mine - G2A2 Assault Rifle - HV Penetrator - K3-BT Grenade Launcher - LP4 Lightning Arc Weapon - M77 Remote Bomb - MOD-3 Multi-Rocket Launcher - MP-50 Repeating Cannon - N6A3 Fragmentation Grenade - RPL Submachinegun - SM15 Machine Pistol - TG-2A Minigun - Type-12 Laser Carbine - Type-7 Particle Weapon - VES Advanced Rifle - VK-12 Combat Shotgun - Unarmed Attacks
Armor Vest - Reflex Booster - Medkit - Health Booster
Armacham Data and Research Center - Armacham Bio-Research Facility - Auburn District - Fairport - Drainage canal - Perseus Compound - Old Underground Metro Area - Sewers - Vault - Warehouse
Project Icarus - Project Origin - Project Perseus
Replica Forces - Replica Assassin - Replica Desert Soldier - Replica Elite Soldier - Replica Fatigues Soldier - Heavy Armor - Recon Soldier - Replica Urban Soldier - Replica Laser Elite Soldiers - Replica Urban Snipers - Heavy Riot Armor
Armored Truck - ATC Security sedan - REV6 Powered Armor - UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter - Lockheed C-130 Hercules - REV8 Leviathan
Armacham Forces
Armacham Defense Turret - ATC Security Guard - Armacham Forces - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - Riot Security Guard
Other Enemies
Nightcrawler - Nightcrawler Commander - Nightcrawler Elites - Nightcrawler Light Soldier - Nightcrawler Heavy Soldier - Alma's Apparitions - Scarecrow - Nightmare - Shade
Origin Facility Explosion - Synchronicity Events - Data Dump
Psionics - F.E.A.R. (Organization) - Delta Force - Armacham Technology Corporation - Laptops - Second F.E.A.R. Team - Source - Hallucinations - Hannibal-3 spy satellite - Quotes - Armacham Labeled Boxes - Slow-Mo - Intervals - F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate Secrets and Easter Eggs - Console Commands - List of Alma Sightings - Walkthroughs - Blackhawk Pilot