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Type 12 Laser Carbine
Type-12 Laser Carbine
Production information





Laser Rifle

Technical specifications


Damage Per Hit

35 (12 for AI)

Magazine Size


Maximum Ammunition


Fire Mode


Ammunition Type

Energy Cells


Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation

Rate of Fire

Very High






Shark FL-3 Laser
Arc Beam


Replica Forces


The Type-12 Laser Carbine is a weapon that appears in F.E.A.R. Extraction Point and F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate. It fires a strong concentrated laser, allowing the player to cut their enemies to pieces.

Vivendi Timeline[]

F.E.A.R. Extraction Point[]

In F.E.A.R. Extraction Point, the Type-12 Laser Carbine first appears during Interval 02 - Desolation, debuting alongside the new enemy that wields it: Replica Laser Elite Soldiers. It is fairly uncommon throughout the game, only appearing in a select-few places.

  • The second is seen in Interval 03 - The L, where a Laser Elite is once again wielding it during the ambush arena in the sewers with the rappelling Replica.
  • Two can be found in Interval 04 - Leviathan: One used by a Laser Elite during the ground-floor ambush in the office, and the second in the cubicles near the skybridge.
  • One can be found in Interval 05 - Malignancy during the Replica Assassin ambush, it is resting on the far right table on the second floor.
  • The final two are located in Interval 06 - Epilogue. One is seen laying next to a dead Replica Desert Soldier, the other is seen utilized by a Laser Elite at the very start.

F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate[]

The Type-12 once again returns for the second expansion pack, Perseus Mandate. It is employed by both Nightcrawlers and Replica. The first instance a player can get ahold of this weapon is Interval 02 - Rescue and Recon, where it is slightly hidden on a shelf inside one of the offices on a gray shelf. During the same Interval, another one appears very shortly after wielded by a Nightcrawler Light Soldier. It also appears at least once in all three bonus missions.

Tactics and Use[]

  • The Type-12 is very effective against every enemy encountered. However, it uses up its ammo reserve very quickly. Therefore, it should be reserved for heavily armored enemies, like the Heavy Armor, which most other weapons, like the G2A2 Assault Rifle, are mostly ineffective.
  • As a sustained laser, it has pinpoint accuracy and does not disperse, making it effective at any range and just as accurate as its user.
  • Each time the weapon is picked up, there will be one magazine and two in reserve. After that, each ammo pick-up gives one magazine, which means ammo will be running out fairly quickly, since the Type-12 only seen a few times both in Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate. Therefore, the player should keep an eye out for a replacement for the Type-12, like other strong weapons like the TG-2A Minigun.
  • The Type-12 has a brief delay before the laser beam hits where the player aims it, but it fires faster than the Shark FL-3 Laser found in F.E.A.R. 2. It is advisable to use Slow-Mo to ensure an enemy target does not have time to evade the laser.
  • The Type-12 has potential to stun strong enemies; those who cannot be dismembered by it, can be potentially be stunned while hit, allowing the player for quick follow-up attacks. The enemy can still shoot back however.
  • Since ammo for this weapon is very rare, if already carrying one when another is found, utilize the ammo glitch to maximize the ammunition pick-up. See the F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon section of Glitches for more details.


  • The weapon makes a sound both when equipping it and putting it away. These sounds are presumably the weapon turning on and off. The weapon also makes a high-pitched sound when fired.
  • Laser from Type-12 will leave red marks on walls for a short period of time, the mark will turn dark and disappear.
  • "Type-12" is also the name of another energy weapon found in F.E.A.R. 2.
  • The Carbine will often dismember enemies, most often the arms and the legs, depending on what part of the body that the player was aiming at.
  • The Type-12 has almost no delay between pulling the trigger and the weapon discharges, unlike Shark FL-3 and Type-13 Arc Beam.


v · e · d
Major Characters
Point Man - Alma Wade - Paxton Fettel - Spencer Jankowski -Jin Sun-Kwon - Douglas Holiday
Other Characters
Rodney Betters - Bill Moody - Harlan Wade - Norton Mapes - Alice Wade - Charles Habegger - John - D. Passalaqua
AP-5 Deployable Turret - AT-14 Pistol - AT-S Proximity Mine - G2A2 Assault Rifle - HV Penetrator - M77 Remote Bomb - MOD-3 Multi-Rocket Launcher - MP-50 Repeating Cannon - N6A3 Fragmentation Grenade - RPL Sub-Machinegun - SM15 Machine Pistol - TG-2A Minigun - Type-12 Laser Carbine - Type-7 Particle Weapon - VK-12 Combat Shotgun - ASP Rifle - Unarmed Attacks
Armor Vest - Reflex Booster - Medkit - Health Booster
Fairport - Auburn District - Auburn Memorial Hospital - Church - Warehouse - Old Underground Metro Area - Apartment building
Project Icarus - Project Origin - Project Paragon - Project Perseus
Replica Forces - Replica Assassin - Replica Desert Soldier - Replica Elite Soldier - Replica Fatigues Soldier - Heavy Armor - Recon Soldier - Replica Tactical Soldiers - Replica Heavy Riot Armor - Replica Laser Elite Soldiers
Armored Truck - ATC Security sedan - Mi-24 Hind-D - REV6 Powered Armor - UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter - REV8 Leviathan - Lockheed C-130 Hercules
Other Enemies
Alma's Apparitions - Nightmare - Shade
ATC Forces
ATC Security Guards - Armacham Technology Corporation Forces - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Origin Facility Explosion - Synchronicity Events
Cheezee Pooz - Armacham Labeled Boxes
Psionics - F.E.A.R. (Organization) - Delta Force - Armacham Technology Corporation - F.E.A.R. Extraction Point Secrets and Easter Eggs - Hallucinations - Quotes - Slow-Mo - Intervals - First F.E.A.R. Team - Walkthroughs - Console Commands - Blackhawk Pilot
v · e · d
Major Characters
Sergeant - Alma Wade - Paxton Fettel - Steve Chen - Nightcrawler Commander - David Raynes
Other Characters
Rodney Betters - Brett - David Hoyle - Spencer Jankowski - Bristol - Walt Gragg - Gavin Morrison - Scott Rasmussen - John Breyers - Harlan Wade
AP-5 Deployable Turret - ASP Rifle - AT-14 Pistol - AT-S Proximity Mine - G2A2 Assault Rifle - HV Penetrator - K3-BT Grenade Launcher - LP4 Lightning Arc Weapon - M77 Remote Bomb - MOD-3 Multi-Rocket Launcher - MP-50 Repeating Cannon - N6A3 Fragmentation Grenade - RPL Submachinegun - SM15 Machine Pistol - TG-2A Minigun - Type-12 Laser Carbine - Type-7 Particle Weapon - VES Advanced Rifle - VK-12 Combat Shotgun - Unarmed Attacks
Armor Vest - Reflex Booster - Medkit - Health Booster
Armacham Data and Research Center - Armacham Bio-Research Facility - Auburn District - Fairport - Drainage canal - Perseus Compound - Old Underground Metro Area - Sewers - Vault - Warehouse
Project Icarus - Project Origin - Project Perseus
Replica Forces - Replica Assassin - Replica Desert Soldier - Replica Elite Soldier - Replica Fatigues Soldier - Heavy Armor - Recon Soldier - Replica Urban Soldier - Replica Laser Elite Soldiers - Replica Urban Snipers - Heavy Riot Armor
Armored Truck - ATC Security sedan - REV6 Powered Armor - UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter - Lockheed C-130 Hercules - REV8 Leviathan
Armacham Forces
Armacham Defense Turret - ATC Security Guard - Armacham Forces - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - Riot Security Guard
Other Enemies
Nightcrawler - Nightcrawler Commander - Nightcrawler Elites - Nightcrawler Light Soldier - Nightcrawler Heavy Soldier - Alma's Apparitions - Scarecrow - Nightmare - Shade
Origin Facility Explosion - Synchronicity Events - Data Dump
Psionics - F.E.A.R. (Organization) - Delta Force - Armacham Technology Corporation - Laptops - Second F.E.A.R. Team - Source - Hallucinations - Hannibal-3 spy satellite - Quotes - Armacham Labeled Boxes - Slow-Mo - Intervals - F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate Secrets and Easter Eggs - Console Commands - List of Alma Sightings - Walkthroughs - Blackhawk Pilot