F.E.A.R. Wiki
"I figured out what a Synchronicity Event is. There was an incident when they lost control of Fettel, he just suddenly started freaking out. He was only about ten years old at the time, but I guess he killed a few people. In the investigation, they discovered that there had been a telepathic link between Fettel and Alma, even though she was in a coma. They concluded that she was influencing him. That must have been why they pulled the plug on Origin."
Rowdy Betters commenting on a Synchronicity Event

A Synchronicity Event is a term used to describe when Alma Wade establishes a telepathic connection with Paxton Fettel.

Both Timelines[]


The first Synchronicity Event was an incident in which Alma Wade established a telepathic connection with Paxton Fettel when he was ten years old. Very few details are clear, but Fettel caused seven casualties. When Armacham Technology Corporation researchers discovered the link between Fettel and Alma, they shut down Project Origin and cut Alma's life support, leaving her to die.

F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon[]

After Genevieve Aristide sends a number of teams in to clean up the Origin Facility, Alma is again able to connect with Fettel, creating the second Synchronicity Event. At this time, Fettel is in control of a battalion of cloned soldiers, which he uses to hunt for the location of the Origin Facility so he can free Alma. It could also be assumed that the second Synchronicity Event may have granted Paxton Fettel the ability to dissolve into ash and vanish out of plain sight, even when he is alive in the events of F.E.A.R., as he demonstrates a few times throughout the game.

Monolith Timeline[]

F.E.A.R. 3[]

After the player completes F.E.A.R. 3 and the credits roll, a cutscene (narrated by Paxton Fettel) shows a young Fettel alone in the room he shared with the Pointman in the Ward Facility (the Pointman had been removed from the room when Fettel tried to strangle him after fighting with him over a toy gun).

After spending a lot of time staring aimlessly at the door and the walls, Fettel sees a hallucination of Alma, approaches, and touches her, which causes him to have a psychic seizure. As noted by Fettel during the narration, Alma had at this point made him aware what Harlan Wade and ATC had done to her, that they had taken away her children, and made him aware of her pain and rage, which he experienced as if it were his own pain and rage.

After a brief period of time has passed, ATC guards enter the room and shoot Fettel with tranquilizer guns. He kills several dozen of them by psychically causing their heads to explode, before falling down unconscious, having succumbed to the effects of the tranquilizers. Fettel notes in his narration: "He deserved to die. They all deserve to die. And I will continue.... will you?"

While never directly stated, it's likely this was in fact the Synchronicity Event referred to in the previous games.

Vivendi Timeline[]

F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate[]

In F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate, the Sergeant finds a phone message from Walt Gragg asking Scott Rasmussen to dump all files pertaining to Project Origin, as well as any files labeled Perseus, Icarus, and Synchronicity.

The Sergeant later sees Gavin Morrison telling Mr. Bristol that the Nightcrawlers are planning on stealing synchronicity by taking ATC's samples of Paxton Fettel's and Alma Wade's DNA. However, by the end of Perseus Mandate, the Nightcrawlers are only able to obtain Fettel's DNA.

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Major Characters
Point Man - Alma Wade - Paxton Fettel - Harlan Wade - Alice Wade - Spencer Jankowski - Norton Mapes -Jin Sun-Kwon - Douglas Holiday
Other Characters
Rodney Betters - Iain Hives - Genevieve Aristide - T. Atwood - Aldus Bishop - Brett - E. Cotton - Marshall Disler - Charles Habegger - David Hoyle - Janice - P. MacReady - Bill Moody - P. Niculescu - D. Passalaqua - A. Shepard - Phil Vecchio - Bremmer - Doctor Green
ASP Rifle - AT-14 Pistol - AT-S Proximity Mine - G2A2 Assault Rifle - HV Penetrator - M77 Remote Bomb - MOD-3 Multi-Rocket Launcher - MP-50 Repeating Cannon - N6A3 Fragmentation Grenade - RPL Sub-Machinegun - SM15 Machine Pistol - Type-7 Particle Weapon - VK-12 Combat Shotgun - Watson Automatic Shotgun - Unarmed Attacks
Armor Vest - Medkit - Reflex Booster - Health Booster
Fairport - Auburn District - Armacham Technology Corporation Headquarters - South River Wastewater Treatment Plant - Origin Facility - The Vault - Fa$t Money - News Stand - Apartment Complex - Almaverse - Birthing Facility
Project Icarus - Project Origin - Project Paragon - Project Perseus
Replica Forces - Replica Assassin - Replica Desert Soldier - Replica Elite Soldier - Replica Fatigues Soldier - Replica Heavy Armor - Recon Soldier - Replica Sniper - Replica Tactical Soldiers - Replica Urban Soldier
Armored Truck - ATC Security sedan - Mi-24 Hind-D - Replica REV6 Powered Armor - UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter
Armacham Forces
Armacham Defense Turret - ATC Security Guard - Armacham Forces - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Other Enemies
Alma's Apparitions - Nightmare
Origin Facility Explosion - Synchronicity Events
F.E.A.R. Combat
Cheezee Pooz - Laptops - Vending Machines - Sticky Notes
Psionics - F.E.A.R. (Organization) - Delta Force - Armacham Technology Corporation - F.E.A.R. Secrets and Easter Eggs - Monolith Timeline - Hallucinations - Hannibal-3 spy satellite - National Guard - Glitches - F.E.A.R. E3 - Quotes - Walkthroughs - Slow-Mo - Armacham Field Guide - Intervals - First F.E.A.R. Team - Intel - Metro Police Department - Console Commands - List of Alma Sightings - Blackhawk Pilot - F.E.A.R. Original Soundtrack
Unreleased Material
D. Mccullough - Street Turret - Conrad Krieg - Unreleased Quotes
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Major Characters
Sergeant - Alma Wade - Paxton Fettel - Steve Chen - Nightcrawler Commander - David Raynes
Other Characters
Rodney Betters - Brett - David Hoyle - Spencer Jankowski - Bristol - Walt Gragg - Gavin Morrison - Scott Rasmussen - John Breyers - Harlan Wade
AP-5 Deployable Turret - ASP Rifle - AT-14 Pistol - AT-S Proximity Mine - G2A2 Assault Rifle - HV Penetrator - K3-BT Grenade Launcher - LP4 Lightning Arc Weapon - M77 Remote Bomb - MOD-3 Multi-Rocket Launcher - MP-50 Repeating Cannon - N6A3 Fragmentation Grenade - RPL Submachinegun - SM15 Machine Pistol - TG-2A Minigun - Type-12 Laser Carbine - Type-7 Particle Weapon - VES Advanced Rifle - VK-12 Combat Shotgun - Unarmed Attacks
Armor Vest - Reflex Booster - Medkit - Health Booster
Armacham Data and Research Center - Armacham Bio-Research Facility - Auburn District - Fairport - Drainage canal - Perseus Compound - Old Underground Metro Area - Sewers - Vault - Warehouse
Project Icarus - Project Origin - Project Perseus
Replica Forces - Replica Assassin - Replica Desert Soldier - Replica Elite Soldier - Replica Fatigues Soldier - Heavy Armor - Recon Soldier - Replica Urban Soldier - Replica Laser Elite Soldiers - Replica Urban Snipers - Heavy Riot Armor
Armored Truck - ATC Security sedan - REV6 Powered Armor - UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter - Lockheed C-130 Hercules - REV8 Leviathan
Armacham Forces
Armacham Defense Turret - ATC Security Guard - Armacham Forces - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle - Riot Security Guard
Other Enemies
Nightcrawler - Nightcrawler Commander - Nightcrawler Elites - Nightcrawler Light Soldier - Nightcrawler Heavy Soldier - Alma's Apparitions - Scarecrow - Nightmare - Shade
Origin Facility Explosion - Synchronicity Events - Data Dump
Psionics - F.E.A.R. (Organization) - Delta Force - Armacham Technology Corporation - Laptops - Second F.E.A.R. Team - Source - Hallucinations - Hannibal-3 spy satellite - Quotes - Armacham Labeled Boxes - Slow-Mo - Intervals - F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate Secrets and Easter Eggs - Console Commands - List of Alma Sightings - Walkthroughs - Blackhawk Pilot