Replica Heavy Armor is a heavy-type Replica soldier that appears in the F.E.A.R. series.
Variant VI[]

F.E.A.R. Replica Heavy Armor.
Replica Heavy Armors wear a heavy alloy armoured suit that gives them better protection than standard Replica uniforms. They are taller and bigger than other Replica soldiers.
Variant VI Replica Heavy Armors are armed primarily with the 10mm HV Penetrator nail gun; later in the game, they use the Type-7 Particle Weapon and the MOD-3 Multi-Rocket Launcher.
Variant VII[]
Variant VII Replica Heavy Armor has different design – the armoured suit is bulkier and resembles a bomb suit; it has multiple lights for illumination, including a big one in the centre of the helmet. There are an ATC logo and the serial number "B-CA9Z" on the chest.
Variant VII Replica Heavy Armors are armed with FL-3 Laser, SR5 Missile Launcher and HV Hammerhead. They also use R3 Incendiary and N6A3 Fragmentation grenades. When down, they can drop XS Shock grenade.
Abilities & Tactics[]

Variant VI Replica Heavy Armor inside the Abandoned Apartment Complex.
Replica Heavy Armors' suit lets them survive roughly six times as much damage as an ordinary Replica, but drastically reduces their speed and maneuverability. Replica Heavy Armors possess superhuman strength – they can bash through walls and warp metal doors.
Due to their bulking appearance, Replica Heavy Armors are less aggressive and less active in combat than other Replica forces. They fight in a somewhat defensive stance. They can rush at the enemy if he is nearby and fight in melee butt-stroking with a firearm. Variant VI Replica Heavy Armors do not talk (thus do not converse with other Replicas in combat) but make growling noises.
Variant VI Replica Heavy Armor are first encountered in Interval 03 - Heavy Resistance at the South River Wastewater Treatment Plant, where one bashes through a metal door, making way for a squad of Replicas to enter the room. In total, there are 15 Replica Heavy Armors.
- Two are fought in Interval 03 - Exeunt Omnes. One in the room after the gunship encounter, and a second will be dropped off in the final area.
- One is fought in Interval 05 - Bishop, where it appears as the final obstacle during the elevator ambush.
- A heavy armor will appear at the very end of Interval 05 - Blindside inside the elevator once the power has been restored to it.
- Two appear in Interval 06 - Afterimage. One will spawn from an elevator in the hallway where ATC are fending off Replica (sometimes even fighting the ATC itself), another appears later in the room nearby the balcony before the player hops down to the powered armor encounter.
- Several appear in Interval 07 - Alice Wade. First one is seen just after the lobby with the controllable turret. Another will appear in the middle of the large conference room, and a third one armed with a Type-7 Particle Weapon is seen guarding the office with Alice Wade.
- One appears near the end of Interval 07 - Flight, on the final floor just before the players regroup with Douglas Holiday and Jin Sun-Kwon.
- Only one is seen in Interval 08 - Urban Decay, in the first combat encounter of the level.
- In Interval 08 - Point of Entry part 1, one will appear after the truck crashes through the warehouse armed with a MOD-3 Multi-Rocket Launcher.
- In Interval 08 - Point of Entry part 2, one is seen at the far end of the large room with walkways above it, nearby explosive barrels. The second will appear right after the first, knocking over a shelf behind a window. These are the last Heavy units fought in the game.
In the Bonus Mission exclusive to PS3, 3 heavy armors are encountered throughout the mission with every single one of them are armed with the Watson Automatic Shotgun.
Likewise, in the Bonus Mission exclusive to X360, only two appear. One in the same elevator arena from Interval 05 - Bishop of the main game, and a second appears later inside the office complex.
Instant Action[]
(This applies to both PS3 and X360 version of F.E.A.R, as the following four missions appear in both versions. PC version does not get these missions.)
- On Distribution, one Heavy Armor will spawn behind a truck at the start similar to the ending arena of Interval 03 - Exeunt Omnes (which this mission is influenced from.) Another spawns in the middle of the pathway that connects the second and third arenas.
- Only one spawns during Rooftop near the end in the elevator lobby, wielding a Type-7 Particle Weapon.
Heavy Armors do not appear in Construction or Vault.
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin[]

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Replica Heavy Armor.
- In total there are 13 Variant VII Replica Heavy Armors.
F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn[]
- Foxtrot 813 encounters multiple Variant VII Replica Heavy Armors. There is a challenging encounter with four Armors, one armed with a SR5 Missile Launcher in a large open area, with support from regular Replicas and Replica Snipers.
F.E.A.R. Online[]
- Variant VII Replica Heavy Armors can be encountered in the Tunnel campaign scenario.
Vivendi Timeline[]
F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point[]
A new Variant VI Heavy Armor type is introduced called the Replica Heavy Riot Armor. It has a riot shield and is armed with the TG-2A Minigun. In total, there are eight Replica Heavy Armors.
- The first unit in the game appears in Interval 02 - Ambush, where it will spawn out the back of a armored truck.
- Two will appear during Interval 03 - Terminus, one will break down a wall shortly after activating the gate Fettel walks infront of and the second one will appear in the main terminal, armed with a MOD-3.
- In Interval 03 - Orange Line, Two Heavy Riot Armor will appear during the standoff against Delta Force. You will fight one of them later right after the Alma ladder scare.
- One Heavy Riot and one Standard Heavy appear in Interval 03 - The L, the Riot armor will appear in the arena right after the Norton Mapes cameo, while a standard heavy armor is on the train tracks in the final arena.
- A single Heavy Armor armed with a Type-7 appears in Interval 04 - Leviathan, shortly after opening the first gate in the office complex.
- In Interval 05 - Malignancy, a Riot Armor can be seen in the surgery wing guarding the room needed to open the door. Two Heavy Armors will be in the surgery waiting room, followed by another Riot Armor destroying the doors when both are killed.
- On Interval 06 - Epilogue, a Heavy Armor will burst through the doors to the left of the arena once sufficient progress is made. When the helicopter arrives, one last Riot Armor will block the way to the exit.
F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate[]
Due to the Nightcrawlers replacing the Replica as the main antagonistic force in Perseus Mandate, Heavy Armors very rarely appear throughout the game, mostly seen in the final few levels and in Bonus Missions. Their role is usually filled in by Nightcrawler Elites.
- One Heavy armor appears in Interval 01 - Underneath, breaking through a door armed with a K3-BT Grenade Launcher.
- A Heavy Riot Armor appears in Interval 03 - Pacification, armed with another K3-BT.
- Interval 05 - Relic features an abundance of Heavy Armor, one dormant Heavy Armor will be fenced off in the back. Three will then spawn after the subsequent fight, two will walk towards the player, while the third stays in the background (One of these three is armed with a LP4 Lightning Arc Weapon.) Later in the level, another will be seen with a squad, followed by yet another one after the lengthy hallucination sequence. A handful of dead ones can be seen throughout the final parts of the level.
- On Interval 07 - Showdown, one is encountered later on armed strangely with a G2A2 Assault Rifle. Another such heavy is seen later engaging the Nightcrawler Commander, followed by a Heavy Riot Unit in the next room. Later after regrouping with Raynes, another Heavy and Riot Armor are encountered in the first arena, followed by one final Heavy Armor in the last combat encounter.
- In Bonus Mission: Clinic, one is fought against in the small courtyard.
- In Bonus Mission: Arena, one Heavy Armor armed with a K3-BT will spawn during the second wave. Later on during Wave 5, a Heavy Riot Armor will spawn.
- In Bonus Mission: Sprint, A Heavy Armor will spawn shortly after the table with the Type-7, atop the stairs. A Heavy Riot Armor will spawn after all enemies in the underground warehouse are killed.
Instant Action[]
- In Clinic, only one heavy armor appears armed with a HV Penetrator, in the large courtyard after the garage.
- In Arena, a standard Heavy Armor will burst through a wall armed with a K3-BT Grenade Launcher. A Riot Armor will spawn during Wave 5 armed with a minigun.
- In Sprint, one Heavy Armor will be seen atop the stairs after the first walkway is crossed. Later on, a Heavy Riot Armor will spawn inside the underground storage area.
F.E.A.R Files (Instant Action only)[]
- In Subway, a Heavy Armor will burst through the right wall after the first combat arena.
- In Garage, only one Riot Armor will burst through the other end of the garage shortly after the REV8 Leviathan fight.
- In Catacombs, another Heavy Armor will be in the arena with some of the Replica Elites. In the first outdoor area another Riot Armor will spawn. Later in the cathedral fight, two more Heavy Armor spawn: One after the screen fades white, and the second once the front doors open.
- In Sanitarium, one Heavy Armor will burst through the double doors in the courtyard once sufficient enemies are killed. Another will breach through another set of double doors later with a small Replica squad.
- Finally in Elevator, a Heavy Riot Armor will be seen on the final floor, atop a small catwalk.
- In F.E.A.R., Replica soldiers refer to them simply as "Heavies" and "Armor", making such remarks like "Armor is down!" or "He took out the Heavy!".
- When down, the F.E.A.R. Replica Heavy Armor makes a loud growling sound followed by radio noises that fade into static and stop.
- In F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate, Replica Heavy Armor corpses lie around the Train Yard, presumably killed by Nightcrawlers. Also, there is a deactivated Replica Heavy Armor armed with the TG-2A Minigun behind an inaccessible gate. This is the only time a deactivated Heavy Armor appears in F.E.A.R. and its expansion packs.
- Interestingly enough this Heavy Armor can actually be killed by throwing grenades or a proximity bomb over the gate, and its minigun can be acquired by pushing it towards you with more grenades, making the combat encounter afterwards far easier.
Variant VI[]
Variant VII[]