The Mil Mi-24 Hind-D (or Mi-25) gunship is an attack and troop transport helicopter[1] used by the Replica Forces and the ATC Black Ops throughout the F.E.A.R. series.
The Mi-24 Hind-D gunship is painted in grey camouflage; there is a Soviet/Russian air forces red star roundel on both sides. It is armed with four unknown rocket launchers and an M134 Minigun in the gun pod.
Replica Forces[]
Replica Mi-24 Hind-D acts as an aerial transport for Replica Forces, transporting Paxton Fettel, deploying squads of Replica soldiers, and combat dropping Replica Powered Armor.

Crashed Replica Mi-24 Hind-D at Wade Elementary.
- In both F.E.A.R. and F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, Replica Mi-24 Hind-Ds are invincible, and the gunship's only crash is scripted.
- It is unknown how exactly Armacham managed to get ahold of Soviet/Russian-made gunships for Project Perseus. It could have bought the export variant of the gunship through its Russian branch.
- "Hind-D" is the name of Soviet used gunships given by NATO. The accurate designation would probably be "Mi-25", considering if Armacham legally acquired the helicopter.
- The Mi-24 Hind-D is armed with the Dillon Aero M134 Minigun in the gun pod instead of the YakB-12.7 machine gun. Also, it does not have wingtip missile launchers.
- The Soviet-designed gunship used by the defense military corporation is a reference to the Metal Gear series.
- In the F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Demo, it's implied that Michael Becket was transported to Wade Elementary by a Mi-24 Hind-D – the sole mission starts with him waking up next to a crashed gunship.
- Replica Mi-24 Hind-D avoids confrontation; it is mainly used for transportation and troop deployment, except for one episode where it shoots down a Delta Force UH-60 Black Hawk that was sent to evacuate Point Man and Alice Wade from the Armacham headquarters.
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin[]

F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Replica Mi-24 Hind-D.
- Interval 05 – Provocation – Elementary – two Replica Mi-24 Hind-Ds appear at the Wade Elementary School. The first one is seen going down, the second deploys Replica troops onto the school's cafeteria roof, and combat drops Replica Powered Armor. They never open fire.
F.E.A.R. 2: Reborn[]
- Interval 01 – Foxtrot 813 – ATC Black Ops Mi-24 Hind-Ds attack Foxtrot 813. They can be shot down using the Elite Powered Armor or the SR5 Missile Launcher.
Vivendi Timeline[]
F.E.A.R. Extraction Point[]
- Interval 04 – Malice – Leviathan – Replica Mi-24 Hind-D attacks Point Man with the M134 Minigun twice. The first attack happens on the roof of a parking garage; the second one – on the sky bridge between the garage and the Auburn Memorial Hospital. In both cases, it can be destroyed.
F.E.A.R. Files[]
- Instant Action game mode – Replica Mi-24 Hind-D is an enemy, it attacks upon getting to the top of the parking structure. It must be defeated in order to beat the level.