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The Andra MOD-3 MP Multi-Rocket Launcher is a rocket launcher found in F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon, F.E.A.R. Extraction Point, and F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate.
Both Timelines[]
F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon[]
The MOD-3 Rocket Launcher is quite rare, being found in only five places in the game; four in the environment and once held by a Heavy Armor in the Auburn District.
- In Interval 06 - Interception - Sayonara, Sucker, the MOD-3 can be first encountered slightly hidden behind a fence.
- Next level over, Interval 06 - Unauthorized Personnel, one can be found resting against a window in the area where the REV6 Powered Armor is fought.
- Interval 08 - Point of Entry, a Heavy Armor is seen using one just after the truck crashes into the Garage. Another one can be seen resting against a group of barrels (in Part 2 for Console Players) just after the room where the Heavy Armor knocks over the shelf.
- The final MOD-3 can be found in Interval 09 - Bypass in the room with the rotating barrel mechanism.
Vivendi Timeline[]
F.E.A.R. Extraction Point[]
In Extraction Point, the MOD-3 has become more common than the base game due to the introduction of the REV8 Leviathan, typically found in abundance before a difficult fight.
- Interval 02 - Desolation marks the first appearance of the MOD-3 in the game, found nearby a dead ATC Guard. Another one appears just before the REV6 fight.
- Interval 03 - Terminus has it show up quite frequently. Once before the REV6 fight, two inside a box just before the Heavy Armor fight in the large terminal arena and finally one is being held by the aforementioned Heavy Armor.
- Interval 04 - Leviathan has the most MOD-3 appearances in the entire game, appearing in most of the crates in the parking garage and in the hands of the Delta Force soldiers. It does not show up again after this level.
F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate[]
In Perseus Mandate, the MOD-3 is the rarest it's ever been, appearing exclusively in Interval 03 - Bio-Research during the fight against the REV8 Leviathan and select few F.E.A.R Files exclusive bonus missions. This is most likely due to it's role being mostly replaced by the K3-BT Grenade Launcher.
- The MOD-3 is a very powerful weapon. A burst can inflict significant damage on even the most powerful enemies if all of the missiles make contact. The missile's spread makes it ineffective for direct impacts past short range if the target is moving, due to its spiraling trajectory.
- This also applies when it is being wielded by an enemy. Extreme caution is advised as on higher difficulties, one rocket burst can kill you regardless of health or armor. Using slowmo can help you dodge the rockets more effectively.
- While the ammo capacity of the MOD-3 looks generous for a rocket launcher, it is limited to fire at three round burst, 15 rockets are translated to only five bursts. Because the grouping of the rocket bursts are not very tight, so its not advised to fire while moving. If moving is needed, say the player is fighting Power Armor at close range, use Slow-Mo will help the player better at leading rockets to the target.
- Ammo for this weapon is rare, so the player should use it only on powerful enemies or groups of weak enemies. Using it on one enemy is a waste of ammo, except against heavily armored targets.
- When the MOD-3 is being held, the player's movement becomes quite slow, so take this into consideration if needing to evacuate an area quickly. Holster the weapon or switch to lighter ones if the player needs to run.
- Compared to many other rocket launchers, rockets from the MOD-3 are quite slow. This means that the player can dodge enemy rockets, but so can the enemy. It is advised to use Slow-Mo to ensure all rockets hit the enemy and vice versa, so the player can avoid being hit by the rockets.
- The rocket will become inaccurate after certain distances as they have notable spread, thus the MOD-3 is far from ideal against ranged and/or evasive enemies.
- The MOD-3 is based on the Bullgut rocket launcher from SHOGO: Mobile Armor Division, although it fires three rockets rather than four.
- A real life weapon that behaves similar to the MOD-3 is the British Starstreak HVM, it fires the missile that contains three flying darts at a time. The biggest difference is the projectile speed, because its built to take out low-flying aircraft; the missiles will be accelerated to Mach 3.5, three and half times the speed of sound, rather than sub-sonic rocket seen in game.
- The rockets fired from the MOD-3 appear to be similar to the ones fired by the REV6 Powered Armor and the REV8 Leviathan, including the slowness of their travel speed, though the REV6 and REV8 fires many more rockets with their arm cannons than the MOD-3 can launch with one trigger pull.
- The MOD-3 used by the player does have one advantage however, the rockets never self-destruct in mid-flight, while the rockets fired by REV6 and REV8 sometimes do.
- The barrels rotate after firing all three rockets. This is presumably the reloading action, placing another rocket into each barrel.
- Before the release of the first game, the MOD-3 is frequently seen used by Replica Heavy Armor. In the retail version they are largely equipped with 10mm HV Penetrator, the only ones to use such weapon.