Interval 05 - Extraction Point - Malignancy is the first part of Interval 05 in F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point. Point Man has finally arrived at Auburn Memorial Hospital and must make his way to the Life Flight elevator to get to the roof for extraction.
Initial Brief[]
You have reached Auburn Memorial Hospital, alone. Jin Sun-Kwon is dead. No contact has been made with SFOD-D units for quite some time. Status of the extraction point is unknown.
Investigate the hospital with caution and locate the life flight elevator that has access to the hospital roof.
Locate the life flight elevator and take it to the extraction point on the hospital roof.
Once you gain control of your character, head down the hallway and past the Assassin encounter (He's only there for the scare factor so no need in firing) and on the wall near the desk will be a single Medkit. The wooden doors on the left and right can be opened, but there is nothing in either one so ignore them and head down. A door on your left further down will open on it's own, but again it's another Replica Assassin doing it's best to scare you. There is also an opened door on the right leading to the bathrooms. Neither bathroom has anything of value and neither does the door that the assassin was in. Head down to the waiting room and you'll encounter yet another spook with an Assassin.
Exit the waiting room and you'll hear Replica radio chatter. Behind the desk on the left there will be 3 N6A3 Frag Grenades, a medkit and an armor pickup then head down towards the ramp. There will be 3 Replica Laser Elites armed with G2A2 Assault Rifles, one behind a desk, one patrolling near the barricade, and the other near the ramp's end. Dispatch them and take their rifles if needed. There is nothing else in the room, so head towards the dark hallway on the right and to a checkpoint save. Keep going down the hall until you cross a gate. Then head into the door marked "Pharmacy" above it. No items of value in here so head straight down to the adjacent wood door.
Right after you turn right, there will be three Laser Elites, two with assault rifles and one with the VK-12 Combat Shotgun. Two will usually be behind cover so take out the one that isn't and be ready for a fight, a VK-12 will work best due to the close engagements in the rooms. There is going to be 8 total soldiers, all armed with the G2A2. The arena loops around with one room on each side (one of which you came from). There is a medkit near the arena entrance and an armor pickup on the left desk. The hallways have fire extinguishers that can aid with the fight. When all 8 soldiers are killed, make your way to the right side of the arena and into a wooden door.
There will be two more Laser Elites inside, one of which is armed with a VK-12 and the other a G2A2. Take out the shotgunner before he can fire and then his friend. Head down the small hallway and follow it till you get to a control room. There are two VK-12 pickups and a medkit on your immediate left near the entrance as well as some body armor on the control console itself. Interact with the blue screen and head out, Alma will appear and make sure not to poke her as she's an instant kill. Circle back to the gate you just opened and head down the curved hallway. Make a left past the Delta Force soldier bits and then right at the next hallway as further down is barricaded. The dead SFOD-D don't have any weapons so don't bother checking. Head towards the brightly colored elevator shaft at the other end.
A few harmless Nightmares will crawl down the elevator shaft. They can be killed if it makes you feel better, but don't have to be. Once ready, make a leap of faith over to the red ladders on the left. Don't go down and instead go up. Up this ladder is a small cache of goodies. A Health Booster, TG-2A Minigun and Armor pickup. Get what you need and go down the ladders until you reach the stationary elevator. Head through the opened elevator and into the Maternity Ward.
Go down left down the hall as the double doors on the right cannot be opened. Make your way around the hall and past the spooky nurse lady (ignoring her attempts at jumpscares.) the door into the room with the nurse can't be opened but the door on the left next to it can be. It contains a medkit next to the chair and an interactable photocopier. Head down the hall afterwards to the double doors, follow the assassin if you'd like. Down the hall, there is an openable door on the left but it possesses nothing of value so keep following the assassin down the hall to the set of barricaded double doors. A Shade will do it's best to ram the doors to get to you but it fails and disappears.
Go through the wooden door on the left and watch a Delta Force soldier get dragged into the vents. Nothing of value in there so enter the vents through the grate in the wall and up the red ladder, follow the vents. Past the arm and leg there is a vent cover you can destroy and hop down, then further down is another. It doesn't matter which you drop down as the rooms you enter will exit to the same place. The second room (the dark one without the dead Delta soldier) has a orange biohazard container than when broken via melee/gunfire will have a Reflex Booster inside. Grab it and head down towards the door with the blood red X's. The X-Ray room to the left of the double doors has nothing of value and the door across cannot be opened. Have your weapons ready as the next room is a big fight.
Opening the door with the Red X's (the Shade Symbol) takes you to a very bloody waiting room. There is a total of 4 Shades you need to take out, though it is possible to still progress further without harming one. There is a medkit at the other end near the barricaded set of double doors next to the transparent reinforced glass. Your objective here is to get to the single wooden door next to the two vending machines (one of which is toppled over) and enter it (if you're instead avoiding the shades, make sure to close the door behind you.) Keep going as there is nothing of value in this room. Head into the door across as the double doors down the hall cannot be opened. Keep going through the rooms (this too not having anything of value) and go into the door next to the toppled bed.
This is the room you may have seen earlier during the Shade fight from behind the transparent glass. Next to the photocopier is a VK-12 and a grenade pickup. Next to the empty grenade box on the left are two AT-S Proximity Mines you could pick up. Head through the wooden door on the end and through the halls. The double doors do not open. Keep going until you see the mass pile of beds and other medical equipment as a barricade and to the elevators. Head through the malfunctioning gate on the end and ignore the locked double doors. There will be an openable door on the left but it will not contain anything of value. Keep heading down the hall and towards the set of other double doors. Right before you get to them, you'll suddenly be thrown back. Keep heading to the doors anyway.
Once approached, you will realize that the doors are locked. Turn around and you'll find out why. Head back the other way and open those doors instead. Then just keep heading straight as if nothing happened. After all that, just head down the doors until you come across a lobby with a very bloody fountain. Once the lights go off, get a weapon ready. Replica Assassins are going to attack. 4 of them. Use a VK-12 to dispatch them very quickly and utilize Slow-Mo to get those shots in. Alternatively, Melee attacks are a one-hit kill if you'd rather not waste ammo. Once all four are dead, head up the stairs and make your way around right and to more double doors. Be ready as one assassin will be waiting for you once you enter, dispatch him quickly. Head right and towards the door near the "Surgery" sign.
Nothing of use in the waiting room, so head down the Surgery hall and into the wooden door. Inside is a cache of items. Four medkits on the shelf on your left as well as an armor pickup. Next to that are two G2A2 pickups, the dead Delta Soldiers also have a G2A2 each next to them. On the counter there are 3 Frag grenades and 3 RPL Submachine guns. Careful going into the next two rooms as there is a single Shade in them each, don't let them catch you off guard. Use Slow-Mo to prevent them from getting a beat on you. The first surgery room has a single medkit near the entrance to the second room. The second room is similar with a medkit on the other end. Leave the surgery rooms via those big sliding doors (they're automatic) and towards the lone wooden door.
Head past the desk and forward. There is going to be two Laser Elites above on the elevated position near the door armed with assault rifles. Take them out, utilizing that fire extinguisher if needed. They aren't the main threat however. Soon after killing the two soldiers, a Replica Heavy Riot Armor armed with the TG-2A Minigun will be walking down the stairs. Lay some traps and make sure to utilize slow-motion to avoid hitting the shield. Once the riot armor is dealt with, climb up the stairs and enter the control room on the right.
Inside the room are lots of goodies. 3 Armor pickups, 4 Medkits, 3 Frags, 3 M77 Remote Bombs, 2 AT-S Proximity Mines, two AP-5 Deployable Turrets and 2 VK-12 Shotguns. An HV Penetrator is laying on the console itself. Before pressing the console's button, one should note that 3 Assault Rifle-armed Laser Elites will storm towards your room. Take the time to prepare and set up traps like Mines or turrets. After that, 3 more will attempt to storm the room. Once all 6 are dead, head back towards the opened surgery gate that the soldiers entered. Keep heading down the hallway. The gate will close, forcing you to turn to the path on the right into the Waiting Room.
Unlike the previous bloody waiting room, this one instead has two Replica Heavy Armors to contend with, both armed with the HV Penetrator. It should be noted that once you enter the waiting room, the doors will shut. If there's anything you missed get it before you enter too far. Dispatch the heavy armors with any weapons you have (preferably heavier weapons.) there is an armor pickup and two deployable turret pickups near the red vending machine's right side. Shortly after killing the two heavy armors, another Minigun-wielding Riot Armor will blow open the door up the stairs. If you have deployable turrets set them up to distract the riot armor, remote bombs and mines also work. Once dead take his minigun if needed, the desk on the left of the room up the stairs have a health booster on it. Exit through the wooden door next to the aforementioned desk.
Move through the hall and you'll get to a mortally wounded Laser Elite. Put him out his misery if you'd like otherwise he'll die automatically. Ahead, two Laser Elites will be getting grouped up on by a large squad of Shades. Lob some grenades towards the commotion and pick up the remaining stragglers with any weapon. Pick up their G2A2s if needed and head down to the wooden door on the left from the small lobby. There are two medkits on the end, activate the button on the console and head toward the Life Flight Elevator, once in the elevator activate it's panel and enjoy the ride.
The level ends when the elevator malfunctions.
- There is an Easter Egg in this level. Shortly after the jumpscare with the nurse, head down the hall until you get to the double doors that the Shade attempts to ram. Enter the door on the right (Room 56B) and target the small rectangular vent in the corner of the room on the right wall above the waterfall painting. After taking enough damage, the northwest corner of the room will open to reveal Norton Mapes doing several dancing animations to "Vatorttune" in front of a poster. He can be killed with no repercussions.
- He cannot be gibbed and is immune to the Type-7's death effect.