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Interval 03 - Descent - The L is the third and final part of Interval 03 in F.E.A.R. Extraction Point.

After having fallen through the grate at the end of the previous level, Point Man finds himself stuck in the maintenance and sewer part of the subway, once he reaches the subway again he learns Replica forces are planting explosives in an attempt to cut him off, he is then cut short of victory after being promptly blasted off a subway bridge.

Initial Brief[]


The Replicas have pursued you underground, cutting you off at every turn in an attempt to trap you.

Jin Sun-Kwon has not made contact in several hours. Replica forces are moving large quantities of supplies to an unknown destination. Exact content of the shipments remains unknown.


Exit the subway system and proceed towards the medical center.


This article is about a walkthrough from F.E.A.R. Extraction Point, and is therefore written like a guide.

The very moment you start, you will see a medkit with a VK-12 directly across the starting room from you, grab them if needed though the shotgun will greatly aid you in the upcoming battle. The shelf in the corner contains an armor pickup, with two frags. Go up the stairs and immediately take out the Tactical soldier waiting for you. There will be another one behind him and soon there after one will approach from the corner armed with an RPL. There is explosive barrels at the other end you can utilize. Going up the stairs will net you two different paths that eventually lead to the same area. Take whichever you please.

The right path will take you next to a small office where 3 Replica Elites armed with the VK-12 Shotgun will be, though one will be across the room instead of in the office. You can take them out with your own VK-12 and use a longer range weapon for the soldier in the back. Inside this small office there is an armor pickup as well as two AP-5 Deployable Turrets you can utilize, a medkit on the right and a HV Penetrator on the shelf. Hop down to the area with the blue generator and make your way around the corner. There is a medkit right before the entrance. Exit the small crawlspace and hop down into a room with shelves, one of which contains a medkit, and go through the red door. There is a padlock at the very end of the next room but don't bother as it simply takes you back to the starting area. Use the ladder and slide down to the bottom, a spooky moment will arrive when you get to the second ladder down. Simply follow the pipes around. the third pipe corridor will have a medkit, but mindful as grabbing it will trigger a minor scary part, follow the pipes out.

There is nothing of value in this room, so keep going until you get to a red catwalk that loops around. You'll need to raise the water up in order to get to the other side, simply hop off the catwalk and proceed to the nearby tunnel. Follow it to a yellow ladder and climb up, then immediately turn around and activate the nearby red valve, this raises the water and head back around towards a padlock which takes you back to the area before catwalk. There is a medkit on the wall near the lock. Head back to the broken bridge and hop into the water. use the water to boost yourself up to the side and simply follow the catwalks up. There is nothing of value here so simply climb till you get to the tunnel on the pipe and follow it to where it ends.

After the small pipes you'll enter a large arena, shortly after entering it two Tactical Soldiers with RPLs will rope down. They can shoot you even as they rope so be careful. Using the VK-12 will make quick work of them before they can get on the ground. Shortly there after, a Laser Elite soldier armed with the Type-12 Laser Carbine will hop down from one of the elevated positions. His laser carbine will make quick work of you so utilize the abundance of cover around the arena to prevent him getting a bead on you. Two more RPL-armed Tacticals will rope down from the same area as the other two did, use the same tactic as before and quickly take them out before they have a chance to land on the ground. A normal Elite armed with the shotgun will arrive too, put some distance between you and him or take out your own VK-12 and eliminate him as a threat. Once all Replica are dead the music will die down. Before heading up the stairs, use the nearby red valve to disable the fire stream that impedes your path. Take the medkit on the wall under the light of the stairs if you need it and follow it up. Take the Laser Carbine if needed as it will help later on.

Above the stairs on the walkway to the left there is an armor pick up in front of the yellow light. Grab it if needed and proceed the other direction. Just before the yellow ladder leaning on a stack of barrels is an MP-50 Repeating Cannon. It too may prove helpful for a future encounter so take it if needed otherwise head down the ladder and you will eventually come across a red walkway, have a longer range weapon handy as just to the left there will be two Tacticals with G2A2s waiting for you on the adjacent walkway. Take them out and then don't proceed forward but go down the yellow ladder near your walkway, turn behind you and move past the ladder and cross over to the right. A Reflex Booster will be partially concealed by barrels so look out for it's glow, grab it and go back up the way you came as there is nothing else of use down there (Unless one of the Replica's G2A2s fell down.) and turn the corner. There will be a medkit on the wall to the right. Turn the next corner and keep going until you find a grate to hop down.

After  hopping down the grate and moving forwards a bit, hallucinations will occur and spawn crawling Nightmares. They cannot damage you and pose no threat, so don't waste ammo on them. Climb up the yellow ladder at the far left end and follow the path around and up the stairs. yet another hallucination will occur, but again these Nightmares don't pose no threat so don't bother. Follow that path around and upstairs until you come across a red door, enter it and grab the medkit on the first shelf if needed. Otherwise continue onwards.

In the next room a Tactical Soldier with an assault rifle will burst through a window, deal with him before he can react but watch out for his buddy on the other side who is also armed with a G2A2, there are Explosive barrels and a circuit board if you find yourself needing to detonate them but the soldier will usually always be on the opposite end of the room. Exit through the red door next to the circuit board and turn right down the hall, you will come across a lone and unalert Tactical looking down, use Slow-Mo and get him with a good melee hit otherwise since he's unalert, a single shot in slow motion should take him down. Be careful not to fall down as it's quite the drop, and it only takes you back to the arena area from before. Instead go through the path right next to a circuit board and through double doors. A single medkit will be on a shelf in sight upon entering. Follow the hall down and through the next red door.

You're finally back at the subway. A single Laser Elite with an assault rifle will be planting explosives, he's unalert as well so a well placed Slow-Mo shot should kill him, continue down the tunnel as it's barricaded behind you. You cannot accidentally detonate the explosives by shooting them, so no worries. Pass the rubble and the soldiers on comms will talk about detonating charges, you're in no rush as they generously wait for you to be out the tunnel before detonating. Hop up to the left once you're out the tunnel. a Fatigue soldier armed with an ASP Rifle will be unalert so you can score an easy kill.  Near him is a grenade box with an ASP Rifle laying beside it with two Proximity mines, a medkit and a single frag. This arena is very long, so the rifle could come in handy here. Grab it and the one the Fatigue soldier was using. The rest are Tactical soldiers armed with RPLs, though after a bit two will run down the stairs armed with VK-12 shotguns but as long as you have some distance they won't pose much of a threat. Around the middle of the arena is another grenade box with a medkit, 4 frags, and some armor. The right train has two medkits, the left train has armor and one medkit.

Go up the stairs and be ready as two Elite soldiers will come out from the corner, the one with the VK-12 poses the biggest threat so he's your priority, the other one is armed with a G2A2, after they're dealt with, There will be a medkit on the right from where the elites came from. Head over the turnstiles and approach the magazine store to greet a familiar person from the first game, once he's gone gone, proceed through the hallway in the blue door. The break room on your left contains an armor pickup and a medkit. Proceed down the hall and right of the barricaded door and through the blue door. There is a small storage room also with fresh armor and a medkit, head to the adjacent door and be ready for a fight.

There will be two Tacticals standing just ahead on the left, and two more are in the arena, kick it off as you please, if you have the ASP Rifle still, they'd make quick work of them but they're not the real threat. Upon killing all four Tacticals, the far end of the subway room will be blown open, a Heavy Riot Armor with the TG-2A minigun and two Tactical escorts will burst from the the hole. Take out his escorts first. If you have the Laser Carbine from earlier, it will aid greatly against the riot armor here. Remote bombs and proximity mines will work with turrets able to take some pressure off you, but be mindful as there is not a lot of great cover in this arena. Utilize Slow-Mo to get as much shots in without hitting his shield. There are no supplies here except dropped weapons so proceed through the hole that was created. Take his minigun if needed.

On the right of this room there will be a VK-12, an armor pickup, medkit, 4 frags and a single deployable turret pickup. Past the turnstiles in the darker park of the same room, there is another MP-50, armor pickup and deployable turret. Take what is needed then proceed up the stairs.

When you get to the glass overlooking another arena, there will be a Laser Elite soldier patrolling on the left side atop of the train, take him out first and be ready for a fight. Head through the glass and stay atop the train as much as possible as it provides higher ground. There will be handful of Tacticals with a few Elites, all armed with the G2A2. There will be a Heavy Armor armed with an HV Penetrator past the trains but he will never follow you above to the sides of the arena. The train on the left contains 3 Medkits, two armor vests, two G2A2 pickups and another MP-50 at the end. The right train contains one of each booster, one medkit, one armor, yet another MP-50 and two VK-12 shotguns. The path on the right of the right train contains another MP-50, medkit and armor pickup. If you have eliminated all the soldiers but not the Heavy armor, you can use your MP-50 to take it out. Take his Penetrator if you need it and head up the sloped tracks, stay on the right side as bombs will begin to detonate.

The level ends when Point Man is blown out the subway.


  • It is unknown how Norton Mapes made it out of the Origin Facility after being seriously wounded, as the explosion would've definitely killed him. This may just be a continuity error.
  • Norton Mapes will incorrectly refer to the Type-7 Particle Weapon as a "Plasma Rifle".

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Major Characters
Point Man - Alma Wade - Paxton Fettel - Spencer Jankowski -Jin Sun-Kwon - Douglas Holiday
Other Characters
Rodney Betters - Bill Moody - Harlan Wade - Norton Mapes - Alice Wade - Charles Habegger - John - D. Passalaqua
AP-5 Deployable Turret - AT-14 Pistol - AT-S Proximity Mine - G2A2 Assault Rifle - HV Penetrator - M77 Remote Bomb - MOD-3 Multi-Rocket Launcher - MP-50 Repeating Cannon - N6A3 Fragmentation Grenade - RPL Sub-Machinegun - SM15 Machine Pistol - TG-2A Minigun - Type-12 Laser Carbine - Type-7 Particle Weapon - VK-12 Combat Shotgun - ASP Rifle - Unarmed Attacks
Armor Vest - Reflex Booster - Medkit - Health Booster
Fairport - Auburn District - Auburn Memorial Hospital - Church - Warehouse - Old Underground Metro Area - Apartment building
Project Icarus - Project Origin - Project Paragon - Project Perseus
Replica Forces - Replica Assassin - Replica Desert Soldier - Replica Elite Soldier - Replica Fatigues Soldier - Heavy Armor - Recon Soldier - Replica Tactical Soldiers - Replica Heavy Riot Armor - Replica Laser Elite Soldiers
Armored Truck - ATC Security sedan - Mi-24 Hind-D - REV6 Powered Armor - UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter - REV8 Leviathan - Lockheed C-130 Hercules
Other Enemies
Alma's Apparitions - Nightmare - Shade
ATC Forces
ATC Security Guards - Armacham Technology Corporation Forces - Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Origin Facility Explosion - Synchronicity Events
Cheezee Pooz - Armacham Labeled Boxes
Psionics - F.E.A.R. (Organization) - Delta Force - Armacham Technology Corporation - F.E.A.R. Extraction Point Secrets and Easter Eggs - Hallucinations - Quotes - Slow-Mo - Intervals - First F.E.A.R. Team - Walkthroughs - Console Commands - Blackhawk Pilot