- "Go fuck shit up!"
- —P. Niculescu
The U.S. Army's 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (SFOD-D/Delta Force) plays a significant role in both F.E.A.R. timelines.
A handful of Delta Force operators assist the F.E.A.R. unit in the first F.E.A.R. game. Many Delta operators either make a brief appearance or have off-screen roles.
For instance, the government dispatches an initial Delta Force team to investigate the disturbances at Armacham HQ. In one of the missions, a Delta Force Sergeant named Douglas Holiday helps with diffusing some bombs attached to a hostage.
The primary aerial transport of the F.E.A.R. unit and Delta Force are UH-60 Blackhawk helicopters.
During the events of the first game, Delta Force operators assist the Point Man and some members of the F.E.A.R. unit like Jin Sun-Kwon.
The primary mission objective of both Delta and the F.E.A.R. unit is capturing Paxton Fettel.
However, due to unforeseen circumstances and events, the Point Man always becomes separated from assisting Delta Force operators.
Progressing through the game, the player observes Delta operators fighting various opponents. Beginning some missions, the Point Man witnesses multiple Delta Force operators get overwhelmed by significant enemy forces.
It remains a mystery why Delta Force is the chosen unit to conduct these reconnaissance missions, becoming the first responders against Fettel's Replica force uprising.
Remembering the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878: Powerful government entities can clear Delta Force to operate within U.S. soil during an emergency. Given the threat posed by Replica super-soldier clones, the secrecy of the project they come from, and the untold capabilities of Paxton Fettel - these might be the reasons why Delta Force is deployed to take them on.
Both Timelines[]
F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon[]
The (SFOD-D) Delta operators appearing in F.E.A.R. wear digital urban camo BDUs, dark gray ballistic helmets, black Kevlar armor vests, elbow pads, knee pads, and a tactical backpack. Black balaclavas cover the operator's faces, complete with ballistic goggles.
Many Delta Force operators use RPL Sub-Machineguns and G2A2 Assault Rifles for their weapons.
Several Delta operators often accompany F.E.A.R. agents and other characters. For example, Delta Force operator D. Passalaqua can be seen escorting F.E.A.R. Technical Officer Jin Sun-Kwon. He also assists Delta Force Unit Leader Douglas Holiday at a later part of the game.
Sadly, many Delta Force operators are killed by Replica forces. (e.g., Operators Atwood and MacReady are both shot by Replica soldiers during the helicopter insertion at Armacham Technology Corporation Headquarters).
Delta operators also fall victim to Alma's liquefaction attacks. These incidents are also referenced by Delta operator Manuel Morales in F.E.A.R. 2.
An unseen Delta Force (SFOD-D) member is A. Shepard, the central coordinator for the Delta Force teams and works in conjunction with F.E.A.R. Commissioner Rowdy Betters. Appearing to be a cautious leader, A. Shepard is reluctant to send more men after losing contact with the first team investigating the disturbances happening at Armacham Technology Corporation headquarters.

Alma killing a Delta Force Operative.
The PlayStation 3 version of the game arcade includes a Bonus Mission, which features the efforts of the initial Delta Force Recon team sent into ATC headquarters.
The Xbox 360 version features Douglas Holiday escorting Aldus Bishop towards an extraction Blackhawk Helicopter. Although the extraction was successful, Aldus Bishop was killed by ATC guards after riding the helicopter.
Before F.E.A.R 2 came out, the (SFOD-D) Delta Force operator was only playable on the console or multiplayer.
Despite Delta Force's reputation as an elite commando unit, they seem to have met their match with the highly skilled and heavily armed Replica soldiers, who are bio-engineered clone super soldiers.
During the events of F.E.A.R. Extraction Point, many surviving Delta Force squads are easily killed by Alma's Apparitions. Some operators were either separated or hunted down by the Replica forces.
Due to the number of gruesome casualties suffered by Delta Force, F.E.A.R.'s producers included a comedic message during the credits, stating:
"No actual Delta Force operatives were harmed in the making of this game."
Monolith Timeline[]
F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin[]
In F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin, approximately 30 minutes before the Origin Facility Explosion, a Delta Force squad code-named "Dark Signal" is sent to arrest Armacham Technology Corporation President Genevieve Aristide for the madness she helped unleash.
The game's protagonist is a Delta Force Sergeant named Michael Becket, a member of Dark Signal.
However, the Delta Force squad, known as "Dark Signal", failed the task. Aristide then abducted Michael Becket after the Origin Facility Explosion. During his captivity, Aristide subjected Michael Becket to a physical augmentation surgery performed by Dr. York to replicate the Point Man's physical capabilities.
Surviving the procedure, Michael Becket (Player) discovers that it is Genevieve Aristides' ploy to be captured by members of the Delta Force Dark Signal squad. Each of these Delta operators are handpicked due to excellent physical, mental, and psychic metrics making them perfect for surgical exploitation.
Some test subjects did not survive the same medical/surgical operation done to Michael Becket. Few patients from the Delta Force squad code-named "Dark Signal" have perished during the surgery. Many patients, as seen in the Harbinger Facility, have died or become failed prototypes known as the Abominations.
Michael Becket is the only (SFOD-D) Delta Force character that appeared briefly in F.E.A.R. 3, while the status of other Delta Force units remains unknown.
Vivendi Timeline[]
F.E.A.R. Extraction Point[]
In the F.E.A.R. Extraction Point expansion pack, unit operator Douglas Holiday mentions that he has made contact with scattered groups of Delta Force survivors in the city.
Accompanied by F.E.A.R. Technical Officer Jin Sun-Kwon and Point Man, they are tasked to rendezvous with remaining SFOD-D units scattered by the explosion.
Unfortunately, several operators perish via various means. Corpses of Delta Force operators can be found in the Auburn Memorial Hospital area, which was supposed to serve as their extraction point.
Delta Force operators make five brief, live appearances in Extraction Point: In the subways, two cornered operators are briefly seen holding off several Replica soldiers, until two Replica Heavy Riot Armor units slaughter them in a matter of seconds.
Another near encounter in the subways occurs in a maintenance section where the Point Man can hear four Delta Force operators holding off another Replica Heavy Riot Armor. If the Point Man is fast enough, some Delta operators will survive the encounter. These are the only SFOD-D operators who appear in the expansion pack.
In the parking garage, three Delta operators can be seen battling an REV8 Leviathan. One of them, armed with a MOD-3 Multi-Rocket Launcher, somehow manages to set off a massive explosion, destroying the Leviathan but also killing themselves in the process.
In Auburn Memorial Hospital, an operator is violently dragged into the ceiling and torn to pieces by one of Alma's shadow creatures. Finally on the hospital rooftop, a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter with Delta operators attempting to extract the Point Man gets destroyed before he can reach it.
F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate[]

Delta Force took heavy casualties after being outgunned by the mercenary Nightcrawlers.
In F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate, the Sergeant receives assistance from several SFOD-D operators early in the game. While not given scripted deaths like the operators in F.E.A.R. and Extraction Point, the operators are often quickly slain by Replicas, Nightcrawlers, or occasionally ATC security guards.
The player can see Delta operators injured and held up in a server room after being heavily outgunned by Nightcrawler mercenaries. While the Sergeant leads a diversion, F.E.A.R. operatives are able to help them escape from the facility.
Delta Force has shown the ability to combat Replica Forces. In Interval-03, the Sergeant is tasked to storm the ATC bio-research facility with SFOD-D operators. During the mission, it is possible to not have a single Delta Force member killed.
No more Delta Force teams are encountered after Interval 03, where the Origin Facility explosion took place. Also, there are not many dead SFOD-D operators seen as well, unlike Extraction Point.
After the Nightcrawler Commander is defeated by the Sergeant, a Delta Force UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter is sent to extract him and Captain Raynes out of Fairport, along with Alma's DNA.
Several SFOD-D operators use more diverse equipment in Perseus Mandate rather than the other F.E.A.R. entries. Aside from the standard RPL Sub-machinegun and G2A2 Assault rifle, Delta operators in Perseus Mandate now use the ASP Rifle, VK-12 Combat Shotgun, and 10 mm HV Penetrator.
- In F.E.A.R., a total number of 12 Delta Force soldiers are confirmed dead.
- In F.E.A.R. Extraction Point, 61 are confirmed dead: Either killed in the player's vision or found dead - (including Douglas Holiday).
- David Scully and Jen Taylor, who voice Douglas Holiday and Keira Stokes respectively, had done voice overs in Aliens Versus Predator 2, another Monolith-developed game, as well as Sergeant Johnson and Cortana respectively in the Halo series.
- The PS3 bonus mission, which features the initial Delta Force recon squad sent to Armacham HQ, took place in the fourth Interval of F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon. The aftermath is later on witnessed by the Point Man and investigated by Jin Sun-Kwon.
- The Blackhawk Pilots wear the same gear as the Delta Force soldiers, though they are non-combatants and should wear a different set of gear.
- In Extraction Point, Perseus Mandate, and the PS3 Bonus mission, Delta Force operators are slightly more effective in fighting various opponents rather than the main game.
- Even if Delta operators are not assisting the protagonist with each mission, they are briefly seen by the protagonist or hear them taking down Replica soldiers and other foes, holding their own decently until being overwhelmed by enemy forces.
- However, in Perseus Mandate's Interval 03 - Apprehension - Pacification, Delta Force operators are often quickly slain by even ATC security guards because of a bug in their AI that makes them highly inaccurate with the ASP Rifle. Needing player assistance to stay alive.
- The Delta Force soldiers in the maintenance tunnel of Extraction Point use Replica death screams.
- Delta Force soldiers in F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate can be nailed to walls by the HV Penetrator, either by the player or an enemy.
- If an AP-5 Deployable Turret is thrown near a SFOD-D soldier in Perseus Mandate, they will react in fear and move away from it.