F.E.A.R. Wiki
Jin PO

Promotional art for the Armacham Field Guide.

The Armacham Field Guide details the story of F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon, the history of Alma Wade, and the creation of F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin. It was available to customers who reserved F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin at Gamestop.

The guide is written by Genevieve Aristide, the president of Armacham Technology Corporation, as she muses about past events and coworkers. The guide contains a timeline of Alma's life, as well as character blurbs about the major characters and weapons of F.E.A.R. First Encounter Assault Recon and F.E.A.R. 2. Genevieve makes notes throughout the guide, such as theorizing that Alma killed Alice Wade because she may have been jealous of her.

Notably, the guide contains a few errors, including listing a different location for Still Island than that seen in the game, as well as claiming that Alma did not wake up when giving birth to Paxton Fettel, which is contradicted by a statement made in-game from Terry Halford. The errors were likely caused by the guide being written before the second game was complete.

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Major Characters
Point Man - Alma Wade - Paxton Fettel - Harlan Wade - Alice Wade - Spencer Jankowski - Norton Mapes -Jin Sun-Kwon - Douglas Holiday
Other Characters
Rodney Betters - Iain Hives - Genevieve Aristide - T. Atwood - Aldus Bishop - Brett - E. Cotton - Marshall Disler - Charles Habegger - David Hoyle - Janice - P. MacReady - Bill Moody - P. Niculescu - D. Passalaqua - A. Shepard - Phil Vecchio - Bremmer - Doctor Green
ASP Rifle - AT-14 Pistol - AT-S Proximity Mine - G2A2 Assault Rifle - HV Penetrator - M77 Remote Bomb - MOD-3 Multi-Rocket Launcher - MP-50 Repeating Cannon - N6A3 Fragmentation Grenade - RPL Sub-Machinegun - SM15 Machine Pistol - Type-7 Particle Weapon - VK-12 Combat Shotgun - Watson Automatic Shotgun - Unarmed Attacks
Armor Vest - Medkit - Reflex Booster - Health Booster
Fairport - Auburn District - Armacham Technology Corporation Headquarters - South River Wastewater Treatment Plant - Origin Facility - The Vault - Fa$t Money - News Stand - Apartment Complex - Almaverse - Birthing Facility
Project Icarus - Project Origin - Project Paragon - Project Perseus
Replica Forces - Replica Assassin - Replica Desert Soldier - Replica Elite Soldier - Replica Fatigues Soldier - Replica Heavy Armor - Recon Soldier - Replica Sniper - Replica Tactical Soldiers - Replica Urban Soldier
Armored Truck - ATC Security sedan - Mi-24 Hind-D - Replica REV6 Powered Armor - UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter
Armacham Forces
Armacham Defense Turret - ATC Security Guard - Armacham Forces - Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Other Enemies
Alma's Apparitions - Nightmare
Origin Facility Explosion - Synchronicity Events
F.E.A.R. Combat
Cheezee Pooz - Laptops - Vending Machines - Sticky Notes
Psionics - F.E.A.R. (Organization) - Delta Force - Armacham Technology Corporation - F.E.A.R. Secrets and Easter Eggs - Monolith Timeline - Hallucinations - Hannibal-3 spy satellite - National Guard - Glitches - F.E.A.R. E3 - Quotes - Walkthroughs - Slow-Mo - Armacham Field Guide - Intervals - First F.E.A.R. Team - Intel - Metro Police Department - Console Commands - List of Alma Sightings - Blackhawk Pilot - F.E.A.R. Original Soundtrack
Unreleased Material
D. Mccullough - Street Turret - Conrad Krieg - Unreleased Quotes
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Major Characters
Michael Becket - Alma Wade - Genevieve Aristide - James Fox - Cedric Griffin - Terry Halford - Redd Jankowski - Harold Keegan - Manuel Morales - Keira Stokes - Richard Vanek - Foxtrot 813
Third Child - Marshall Disler - Johnston - Mendez - Carson Salyers - Samuels - User17 - Harlan Wade - York - Failed Test Subjects - Paxton Fettel - Feldman - Tucker - Redd Schofield - Aristide's Men - Foxtrot 508 - Foxtrot Leader - Saunders - David Hoyle - Turner - Bierce
Andra FD-99 Submachine Gun - Andra SR5 Missile Launcher - APC Turret Gun - Armacham HV Hammerhead - Armacham Type-12 Pulse Weapon - AT-L4 Proximity Mine - Balzer LM10 Napalm Cannon - N6A3 Fragmentation Grenade - Patten PK470 Assault Rifle - R3 Incendiary Grenade - Raab KM50 Sniper Rifle - Seegert ACM46 Pistol - Shark FL-3 Laser - SHO Series-3 Combat Shotgun - Vollmer Ultra92 Automatic Shotgun - XS Shock Grenade - AT-14 Pistol - Unarmed Attacks
Armor Vest - Reflex Booster - Medkit - Medical Injectors
Fairport - Wade Elementary School - Armacham Technology Corporation's Secondary Facility - Still Island - Valkyrie Tower - Harbinger Facility - Command Post Sigma - Wade Hospital - Old Underground Metro Area - Paragon Facility - Almaverse
Project Origin - Project Harbinger - Project Pythagoras - Project Paragon
Replica Forces - Deformed Replicas - Replica Trooper - Replica Heavy Trooper - Replica Sniper - Replica Elites - Replica Heavy Armor - Replica Assassin - Replica Command
Replica REV6 Powered Armor - Elite Powered Armor - Armored Truck - Mi-24 Hind-D - F-22 Raptor - Black Ops APC - UH-60 Blackhawk Helicopter - ATC Security sedan - Dark Signal APC
Armacham Forces
Armacham Black Ops Light Soldier - Black Ops Hazmats - Black Ops Soldier - Black Ops Heavy Soldier - Black Ops Pyro - Armacham Black Ops Elite - Armacham Forces
Other Enemies
Alma's Apparitions - Remnants - Ghost Soldiers - Abomination - Specter
Origin Facility Explosion - Synchronicity Events
Psionics - F.E.A.R. (Organization) - Delta Force - Armacham Technology Corporation - Diode Implants - Dark Signal - Monolith Timeline - Hallucinations - National Guard - Glitches - Quotes - F.E.A.R. 2 Demo - Slow-Mo - Armacham Field Guide - F.E.A.R. 2 Secrets and Easter Eggs - Replica Stasis Pod - Intel - List of Alma Sightings - Walkthroughs - Armacham Technology Corporation Board of Directors - F.E.A.R. 2: Project Origin Original Soundtrack